CVBG George Washington (CVN-73)
Because CVN-70 was kept in the Atlantic due to the increasingly aggressive stance of a resurgent Soviet Union, joining both CVN-69 Dwight D. Eisenhower and ultimately CVN-71 Theodore Roosevelt, the fleets were out of balance. Therefore, both CVN-72 Abraham Lincoln and CVN-73 George Washington were based in the Pacific immediately upon commissioning, joining CVN-68 Nimitz and equalizing the new carriers with three on each coast.
USS Washington or ‘GW” commenced here career with a 9-month tour of the Indian Ocean and Persian Gulf in 93 and has been conducting routine maintenance and training since returning San Diego in October of 93. She is currently the ready reaction carrier on the West Coast and when hostilities commence she will deploy on the 17th of Feb and head to the Philippines area.

USS George Washington CVBG
CVN-73 George Washington (FLAG)
CVW 10
VF-103 Sluggers F-14B
VF-142 Ghostriders F-14B
VFA-136 Knight Hawks F/A-18C (N)
VFA-161 Chargers F/A-18C (N)
VA-34 Blue Blasters A-6E SWIP (From 1 March)
VAW-111 Grey Berets E-2C
VS-35 Blue Wolves S-3B
HS-16 Nighthawks SH-60F, HH-60H
VQ-5(El) Sea Shadows ES-3A
CG-57 Lake Champlain
CG-59 Princeton
CG-65 Chosin
DDG-52 Berry
DD-966 Hewitt
FFG-36 Underwood
FFG-46 Rentz
VA-34, deploys when the Navy reactivates 6x A-6E Sqns (only 8 AC)
CVW-10 does not currently have a VAQ (Electronic Warfare) Sqn, but will pick up VAQ-131 ‘Lancers’ when CVW-2 disperses from CV-64 Constellation near the end of Feb 94.