Czechoslovakian Air Force
The Czechoslovakian Air Force operates almost 800 aircraft including 140 helicopters, about 150 training aircraft, 30 transports and almost 500 combat aircraft. Over half of the combat aircraft however are MiG-21 which would have great difficulty against NATOs front line fighter force. As compensation for the large number of troops remaining in Czechoslovakian territory, the Soviets have augmented their brethren somewhat; they have given the Czechs a squadron of twelve Su-27 multi role fighters, augmented the recent acquisition of MiG-29s with four additional, exchanged a squadron of older MiG-23s for twelve new MiG-23MLDs and acquired some additional Su-22s and Su-25s. These supplements go some of the way to modernizing the Czechoslovakian air defence forces, as does the addition on an S-300 missile battalion to replace one of the older S-75M units.

Czechoslovakia is the first country outside the USSR to receive this very advanced 4th generation multi-role aircraft. In Northern Fury the Su-27 Flanker was not sent to China as it historically was in 1992, and instead the ‘SK’ or export variants were delivered to Czechoslovakia. Negotiations with China are still ongoing but it is unlikely they will be concluded for some time. The transfer took place in early 1993 with flight training in the USSR, but there are still several Soviet pilots on staff with the Squadron to assist with advanced training and tactics. Due to a lack of two-seat training aircraft available, pilots travel to the Soviet Union for qualification and re-certification if needed. Although capable of air to ground missions, Czech Flankers are used primarily in the air defence role as part of the 11th Fighter Regiment along with the MiG-29s.
Unit | Formation | Location | Type | No | Remarks |
1st Sqn 11th Ftr Regt | 3rd AD Div | Žatec AB | SU-27SK | 12 | Limited air to ground munitions |

Originally 20 of these high performance multi-role aircraft were delivered by 1991; this number included two combat capable MiG-29UB two-seat trainers. Since this time four more aircraft were delivered and they were consolidated into two squadrons of the 11th Fighter Regiment. Together with the Su-27s these aircraft represent a massive improvement in capability from the 1980’s and provide a real threat to NATO aircraft.
Unit | Formation | Location | Type | No | Remarks |
2nd Sqn 11th Ftr Regt | 3rd AD Div | Žatec AB | MiG-29A | 12 | |
3rd Sqn 11th Ftr Regt | 3rd AD Div | Žatec AB | MiG-29A | 10 | |
MiG-29UB | 2 |

The Czechoslovakian air force has a mix of air superiority and ground support MiG-23 Floggers and has concentrated them into two units.
Two Northern Fury events have augmented the Czech holding of this type. Originally there were 32 modern ‘BN’ (Flogger H) variants used for ground support and that remains extant; however, in the 1st Fighter Regiment there were 36 older ‘MF’ (Flogger B) air superiority fighters and about a dozen modern ‘ML’ (Flogger G) types. With the unification of Germany there were surplus MiGs-23s available which were more current than those in use so a deal was cut where enough Flogger Gs were provided to outfit two squadrons while the other two squadrons stayed with the Flogger Bs. Finally, in 1993, as part of the deal with the Soviet Union both of the Flogger B squadrons were scheduled for upgrade to the very latest ‘MLD’ (Flogger K) in exchange for the older airframes, only one squadron completed the exchange by the time Northern Fury starts.
Unit | Formation | Location | Type | No | Remarks |
1st Sqn 1st Ftr Regt | 3rd AD Div | České Budějovice | MiG-23MLD | 12 | Flogger K |
2nd Sqn 1st Ftr Regt | 3rd AD Div | České Budějovice | MiG-23MF | 12 | Flogger B |
3rd Sqn 1st Ftr Regt | 3rd AD Div | České Budějovice | MiG-23ML | 12 | Flogger G |
4th Sqn 1st Ftr Regt | 3rd AD Div | České Budějovice | MiG-23ML | 12 | Flogger G |
1st Sqn 28th F/B Regt | 34th FB Div | Čáslav | MiG-23BN | 16 | Flogger H |
2nd Sqn 28th F/B Regt | 34th FB Div | Čáslav | MiG-23BN | 16 | Flogger H |

Over 260 MiG-21s remain in service in the Czechoslovakian air force, from the antique MiG-21F-13s (Fishbed C) still used in training through the second (Fishbed D & F) and third generation (Fishbed J) of these versatile aircraft. The Czechoslovak uprising in 68 meant that there were many years where the latest technology was not transferred from the Soviets, so modern Fishbed (K, L & N) were never provided, forcing the Czechs to use those they did have for all roles; training, reconnaissance, air superiority and ground attack, although these latter two roles would be quite risky against modern NATO fighters.
Unit | Formation | Location | Type | No | Remarks |
1st Sqn 4th Ftr Regt | 1st Ftr Div | Pardubice | MiG-21MF | 16 | Fishbed J |
2nd Sqn 4th Ftr Regt | 1st Ftr Div | Pardubice | MiG-21MF | 16 | Fishbed J |
3rd Sqn 4th Ftr Regt | 1st Ftr Div | Pardubice | MiG-21MF | 16 | Fishbed J |
1st Sqn 5th Ftr Regt | 1st Ftr Div | Dobřany | MiG-21MF | 16 | Fishbed J |
2nd Sqn 5th Ftr Regt | 1st Ftr Div | Dobřany | MiG-21MF | 16 | Fishbed J |
3rd Sqn 5th Ftr Regt | 1st Ftr Div | Dobřany | MiG-21MA | 16 | Fishbed J |
1st Sqn 6th F/B Regt | 34th FB Div | Přerov | MiG-21MF | 16 | Fishbed J |
1st Sqn 8th Ftr Regt | 2nd AD Div | Brno–Tuřany | MiG-21PF | 16 | Fishbed D |
2nd Sqn 8th Ftr Regt | 2nd AD Div | Brno–Tuřany | MiG-21PFM | 16 | Fishbed F |
3rd Sqn 8th Ftr Regt | 2nd AD Div | Brno–Tuřany | MiG-21PFM | 16 | Fishbed F |
1st Sqn 9th Ftr Regt | 1st Ftr Div | Bechyně | MiG-21PF | 16 | Fishbed D |
2nd Sqn 9th Ftr Regt | 1st Ftr Div | Bechyně | MiG-21PFM | 16 | Fishbed F |
3rd Sqn 9th Ftr Regt | 1st Ftr Div | Bechyně | MiG-21PFM | 16 | Fishbed F |
4rd Sqn 9th Ftr Regt | 1st Ftr Div | Bechyně | MiG-21PFM | 16 | Fishbed F |
1st Sqn 47th Recce Regt | 10th Air Army | Hradec Králové | Mig-21R | 24 | Fishbed H |
1st Trg Regt (4 Sqns) | Air Trg Wing | Přerov | MiG-21F-13 | 80 | Fishbed C |

Historically, Czechoslovakia acquired 49 Su-22M4 and 8 two seat Su-22UM3Ks in 1992, these are the very latest in this family of Fighter Bomber and in Northern Fury this acquisition has been increased to 65 single and 10 double seat versions. Negotiations are ongoing for an additional 32 airframes to replace the remaining MiG-21s in the 6th Fighter/Bomber Regt and round out a third squadron in the 20th Fighter/Bomber Regt. The trickle-down effect of this proposed acquisition is the retirement of the Fishbed D’s in the Force.
Unit | Formation | Location | Type | No | Remarks |
2nd Sqn 6th F/B Regt | 34th FB Div | Přerov | Su-22M-4 | 14 | Fitter K |
Su-22UM3K | 2 | Fitter G | |||
3rd Sqn 6th F/B Regt | 34th FB Div | Přerov | Su-22M-4 | 14 | Fitter K |
Su-22UM3K | 2 | Fitter G | |||
1st Sqn 20th F/B Regt | 34th FB Div | Náměšť nad | Su-22M-4 | 14 | Fitter K |
Su-22UM3K | 2 | Fitter G | |||
2nd Sqn 20th F/B Regt | 34th FB Div | Náměšť nad | Su-22M-4 | 14 | Fitter K |
Su-22UM3K | 2 | Fitter G | |||
2nd Sqn 47th Recce Regt | 10th Air Army | Hradec Králové | Su-22M-4 | 8 | Fitter K |
Su-22UM3K | 2 | Fitter G |

To fulfill the close support ground attack function (Assault in Soviet terms) in close cooperation with army units, Czechoslovakia as well as most other WP countries, acquired the Su-25 Frogfoot. In the late 1980s the Soviets produced well over 1000 of these aircraft and 36 Su-25K were sent to the Czechs, plus two dual control trainers (Su-25UBK). In Northern Fury Soviet, production of the Su-25T was increased and some of the older Su-25Ks were distributed to WP countries, in this case an additional 12 were provided, adding a third squadron to the Order of Battle.
Unit | Formation | Location | Type | No | Remarks |
1st Sqn 30th Aslt Regt | 34th F/B Div | Pardubice | Su-25K | 16 | |
2nd Sqn 30th Aslt Regt | 34th F/B Div | Pardubice | Su-25K | 16 | |
3rd Sqn 30th Aslt Regt | 34th F/B Div | Pardubice | Su-25K | 16 | |
30th Aslt Regt | 34th F/B Div | Pardubice | Su-25UBK | 2 |

These Czechoslovakian designed and produced aircraft became the standard training aircraft throughout the Warsaw Pact and beyond, with many going to African and Asian Soviet aligned countries. The L-39ZA was an improved design able to conduct advanced training, light ground attack and reconnaissance. The next evolution of this aircraft was the L-39MS (the ‘M’ variant was not built) which was produced starting in 1989. Real life intervened causing production to cease early but in Northern Fury this doesn’t happen and 24 were provided to the Czechoslovak Air Force by the start of 1994, in addition to sales to Egypt, Tunisia and other WP countries.
Unit | Formation | Location | Type | No | Remarks |
2nd Trg Regt (2 Sqns) | Air Trg Wing | Košice | L-29 Delfin | 80 | |
2nd Trg Regt (1 Sqns) | Air Trg Wing | Košice | L-39C | 39 | |
2nd Trg Regt (1 Sqns) | Air Trg Wing | Košice | L-39ZA | 30 | |
3rd Sqn 47th Recce Regt | 10th Air Army | Hradec Králové | L-39MS | 24 | Aslt |
Air Transport

A wide range of transport aircraft is flown by the 1st Mixed Air Transport Regiment in Ostrava. This unit provides all general transport requirements for the air force and the army.
Sqn | Type | NATO Name | No | Remarks |
1st Sqn | An-12 | Cub | 2 | Tac Tpt |
1st Sqn | An-24 | Coke | 8 | Tac Tpt |
1st Sqn | An-26 | Curl | 8 | Tac Tpt |
2nd Sqn | An-30 | Clank | 2 | Mapping and recon |
2nd Sqn | Yak-40 | Codling | 3 | Tpt |
2nd Sqn | Tu-134 | Crusty | 2 | Tpt |
2nd Sqn | Tu-154M | Careless | 4 | Tpt |
3rd Sqn | Mi-17 | Hip | 20 | Heli |
Army Aviation

With a mix of attack and transport helicopters controlled by the air force, these aircraft form two Helicopter Regiments and provide immediate ready forces to 1st Army with the 11th Helicopter Regiment while 51st Regiment provides mobilization forces to the other two Armies as required.
Unit | Formation | Location | Type | No | Remarks |
1st Sqn 11th Regt | 10th Air Army | Plzeň | Mi-24D | 24 | Hind D |
2nd Sqn 11th Regt | 10th Air Army | Plzeň | Mi-24V | 20 | Hind E |
3rd Sqn 11th Regt | 10th Air Army | Plzeň | Mi-17 | 20 | Hip-H |
1st Sqn 51th Regt | 10th Air Army | Prostějov | Mi-8TBK | 20 | Hip-K Atk |
2nd Sqn 51th Regt | 10th Air Army | Prostějov | Mi-24D | 24 | Hind D |
3rd Sqn 51th Regt | 10th Air Army | Prostějov | Mi-17 | 20 | Hip-H |
3rd Trg Regt (2 Sqns) | Air Trg Wing | Piešťany | Mi-2 | 60 | Hopelight |