Northern Fury Part 4: To the edge of Armageddon
The war is now six weeks old, and NATO has halted the Soviet advance in Norway. The final battleset in this campaign starts with the commencement of the NATO counterattack and ends with the conclusion of the war. NATO choses to use its operational mobility and technological advantage in certain areas to bypass Soviet operational strengths in ground forces and geography.

This battleset includes sixteen scenarios covering the month of April and into May, bringing the war to a swift conclusion before it is three months old.
Red Devils: British paratroop assault in north Norway
Into the Bastion: Hunting the Boomers
Rock on the Beach: Amphib force near Narvik
Leap-Frog: Multi-carrier operations
Bandits: Soviet air ambush
Infiltration: Special Forces at work
Thrust & Perry: Small ship engagement
Clearing the Net: Sub vs. Sub near the North Cape
Bear Hunting: Hide & seek over the Atlantic
Tote that Barge: Soviet attempts to supply forces interdicted
Counterpoint: Soviet counterattack
Into the Hornet’s Nest : Multiple carriers strike at the Kola Peninsula defences
Extraction: Extracting Special Forces from a difficult situation
Bury the Hatchet: Massive Tomahawk strike at the Kola Peninsula
Russian Roulette: TBC