As 2nd Fleet and NATO forces gain air and sea dominance in the North Atlantic the significant problem of Iceland still needs to be tackled. The amphibious assault on Iceland is SACLANTs most significant operation of the war so far. With are over 100 ships directly involved including three CVBGs, two BBTGs, and almost every amphibious ship available on the east coast; this operation is being controlled directly by Comd 2nd Fleet afloat in his Flagship. The forces involved are
TG Mount Whitney
LCC-19 Mount Whitney
- Elem HCS-5 ‘Firehawks’ 1x HH-60H
FFG-55 Elrod
- Elem HSL-60 ‘Jaguars’ 2x SH-2F Seasprite
FF-1063 Reasoner
- Elem HSL-48 ‘Vipers’ 1x SH-2F Seasprite

Covering Force:

Support Force:

Screening Force:

Amphibious Force:
6th Mar Regt
8th Mar Regt
2 Mar Div

To tackle this II Marine Expeditionary Force (MEF) is formed base on 2nd Marine Division and is configured as follows:
2nd Force Reconnaissance Coy
3rd Force Reconnaissance Coy (4 Mar Div)
4th Combat Engr Bn (4 Mar Div Follow on Force)
2nd Intelligence Bn (partially embarked)
2nd Law Enforcement Bn (follow on force)
2nd Radio Bn (follow on force)
8th Communications Bn
2nd Air Naval Gunfire Liaison Company (ANGLICO)
GCE: 2nd Marine Division (minus 2nd Mar Regt, plus reinforcements)
6th Mar Regt
8th Mar Regt
10th Mar Regt (Arty)
2nd Assault Amphibian Bn
2nd Combat Engr Bn
2nd Light Armored Infantry Bn
2nd Reconnaissance Bn
2nd Tank Bn
4th Tank Bn (4 Mar Div)
2nd Logistics Bn
ACE: 2nd Marine Air Wing (MAW)
Marine Air Group (MAG) 14
VMA-223 Bulldogs 22x AV-8B Harrier II
VMA-231 Ace of Spades 22x AV-8B Harrier II+
VMA-331(-) Bumblebees 16x AV-8B Harrier II+
VMA-542 Flying Tigers 22x AV-8B Harrier II
VMO-1 Yazoo 22x OV-10D
VMAQ-2 Panthers 5x EA-6B
VMAQ-3 Moon Dogs 5x EA-6B
VMGR-252 Otis 10x KC-130F, 14x KC-130R
MAG 26 (-)
HMM-162 Golden Eagles 12x CH-46E
HMM-261 Raging Bulls 12x CH-46E
HMM-263 Thunder Eagles 12x CH-46E
HMM-265 Blue Knights 12x CH-46E
HMM-266 Ftg Griffons 12x CH-46E
MAG 29
HMLA-167 Warriors 14x AH-1W, 12x UH-1N
HMLA-269 Gunrunners 14x AH-1W, 12x UH-1N
HMLA-467(-) Sabers 8x AH-1W, 8x UH-1N
HMH-362 Ugly Angles 16x CH-53D
HMH-366 Hammerheads 16x CH-53E
HMH-461(-) Ironhorse 12x CH-53E
HMH-464 Condors 18x CH-53E
MAG 31
VMFA-122 Werewolves 12x F/A-18A
VMFA-251 Thunderbolts 12x F/A-18A
VMFA-312 Checkerboards 12x F/A-18D
VMFA-332 Polka Dots 12x F/A-18D
VMFA-533 Hawks 12x F/A-18D
Marine Air Control Group 28
LCE: 2nd Marine Logistics Group
Combat Logistics Regiment 2
Combat Logistics Regiment 25
2nd Medical Bn
4th Medical Bn (4 Mar Div)
2nd Dental Bn (Follow on force)
8th Engineer Support Bn